What you can figure on seeing here


I have a lot irons in a lot of Internet fires, and lately I’ve been working on pulling some of the many bits and pieces into more of a whole. Or if not a whole a kind of animated Venn Diagram with the bits and pieces interacting constructively, or at least entertainingly, together. 

What’s been present throughout all this, hard to ignore and harder to coerce into doing my will is what I call “numbers.” As I use the word, it covers a lot of territory, from speculative mathematical meditations to tough statistical argumentation and analysis of many subjects, but increasingly of branches of science that have  seemed to become more emotional than quantitative.

I have a lot of material — a lot — in a variety of media, including carefully detailed notes of synthesis-oriented projects whose specifics I have a hard time remembering when I stumble across them.

This site will be a repository for all of this stuff. There will be times when posts serve as dumping grounds for odds and ends I’ve failed to do with what I hoped. There will be areas in which there is personal history from business and real life I draw inferences from. And some of those will even be funny.

There’s no particular order to follow here. Look around, find anything that intrigues or appeals, and don’t fret about a point I might think I’m making or you might think I’m making. All acts of addition are governed in their outcome by the one who’s doing the adding.

We are all the sums of our own idiosyncratic computations. Even numbers are more art than science. Something I hope we remember before our forgetfulness about it throws us under a very big bus.

See you at the blackboard…



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